Geology Links
Skidmore Resources
- Library
- Paid off-campus summer internships/experiences: SEE Beyond Program, applications due in March. Field camp, anyone?
- Click here for Summer Research program.
- Geosciences Department Mente et Malleo Research Award for rising seniors. Applications due by April 15th of Junior Year.
- Student Opportunity funds through SGA. Due Dates: October, February, and March
- Student Travel to Present funding. Apply early while funds are available, and at least 3 weeks prior to traveling.
- Here are about a dozen more fellowships and scholarships for students in the natural sciences that you may be eligible to apply for. Scholarships for study abroad with unusual languages or in Germany… or fund study abroad experiences after you graduate!
Geosciences Information
- GEOREF (for use from Skidmore computers)
- Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- Museum of Paleontology
- ScienceDirect (for use from Skidmore computers)
- The Lunar and Planetary Institute
- USGS Earthquake Center
- Web of Science
Professional Organizations
- American Geophysical Institute (AGI)
- American Geophysical Union
- American Quaternary Association
- American Water Resource Association
- Association for Women Geoscientists
- Geological Society of America
- Hudson Mohawk Professional Geologists' Association (HMPGA)
- MentorNet: mentoring network for diversity in engineering and science
- Mineralogical Society of America
- National Association of Black Geoscientists
- National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT)
- New York State Council of Professional Geologists
- Paleontological Society
- Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
- Society for Sedimentary Geology
- Women in Mining (WIM)
Job/Career Searches
- AGI Geosciences Workforce
- AIPG-NE Advertisers (See also the AIPG Newsletter link)
- American Water Resource Association
- Earthworks
Graduate Programs
Scholarships and Grants
- AGU Student Grants
- AIPG Scholarship Program
- AIPG NorthEast Section Angelo Tagliacozzo Memorial Geological Scholarship ($1,000–$5,000, Due in December)
- Congressional Science Fellowship
- GSA Networking and Mentoring
- GSA Student Research Grants
- GSA Student Travel Grants (particularly for women and minorities)
- NOAA Undergrad Scholarship Program
- Scholarship Search Engine
Summer Research and Internship Opportunities
- Skidmore Resources
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Remineralize the Earth, located in Northampton MA and elsewhere (thanks to volunteer Jeremy Rosen ’14). Use rock dust to improve tree growth and food production. Range of needs from literature reviews to social media to science website editing work.
- HMPGA often needs help with newsletter/website.
- Field Camp and Study Abroad
- Mosaics in Science
- Juneau Icefield Research Program
- NASA's Planetary Geology and Geophysics Undergraduate Research Program
- The National Science Foundation's list of REU opportunities
- American Museum of Natural History
- Carnegie Institute of Washington Summer Scholars Program
- Eastern Kentucky Environmental Research Institute
- IRIS Seismology Program
- Montclair State University
- Keck Geology Consortium
- Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE)
- Texas A&M—Costa Rica Cloud Forest
- Biosphere 2
- UC Irvine—Biogeochemistry and Climate Change
- University of Florida—Water Resources
- University of Minnesota—Geophysics
- Southern California Earthquake Center
- University of Texas at Arlington—The Big Muddy Expedition (Fluvial Processes)
- National Laboratories Research Assistantships